Category: Arts

  • An Act of Solidarity and Kindness.

    An Act of Solidarity and Kindness.

    While walking home in a suburb of Athens I found myself struck by what I saw. This happened only the other day, after Christmas, and it seemed to open my eyes to what Humanity is capable of. Before I begin depicting what occurred let me set the context. Greece, in case many of my readers…

  • The Fall: A recent dream

    The Fall: A recent dream

    They had made it to the top, together. Holding her hand he inhaled savouring the moment for what it was. The journey to the summit had drained him of his normal physical capacities, rendering him fatigued mentally as well as physically. Yet, here they were. The view from above was beyond majestic. The grey clouds…

  • Tunnel Vision

    Tunnel Vision

    The route to the light you have seen is vast. You know not where the light may be found. You know not whether the path before you leads there or anywhere. Yet here you are. You stand at the entrance of this dark and morbid tunnel which you have avoided your whole life. However, you…

  • The Elements

    The Elements

    A personal reflection on a memorable evening.

  • I Forgot

    I Forgot

    BSW Artistic contributor Bono IV returns with his poem ‘I Forgot’.

  • Tiger’s Quilt

    Tiger’s Quilt

    Bono IV returns with his poem ‘Tiger Quilt’. Enjoy.

  • 2026


    A General seeks redemption.

  • These Hands – A Personal Essay

    These Hands – A Personal Essay

    These hands feel the cold. These hands know the cold, my hands are cold.